There are few things more satisfying than heading out the door with low expectations for the day, and then finding yourself in the middle of a great little adventure. Jason and I went to Provo hoping to just get in a couple pitches of moderate ice, but after climbing the first two pitches of the Fang, we were surprised to find the third-pitch crux pillar was just in.
After climbing the pillar and tip-toeing over the open ice on the top, we plodded up hill for another hour or so to the base of the FMR Wall and climbed that as well. Our casual, late start to the day found us a little tight on time, and we were making the final rappel right as the canyon filled with amazing light from a next-level sunset. It was one of those days that reminds you of just how awesome it can be to get out in the mountains.

Jason starting up pitch 1.

Me leading the crux WI5 pillar.

The approach to FMR Wall got a little gnarly in places.

Top half of the FMR Wall.

Jason making fresh tracks on this awesome pitch.

Heading down beside the Fang’s crux pillar.

Rapping in the last light of the day.

Back to the packs.

That sunset was amazing.