Squamish is my favorite place on earth. There’s just nowhere else quite like it. The granite is amazing, the biking is excellent, the ocean is right there, the scene is great, the camping is simple, and on and on. This place just has everything, and I always feel deeply happy whenever I’m here.
For our first week or so in Squamish, we were mostly cragging, trying to get stronger, get in some miles, get used to the granite, and settle into the first place on the trip where we were going to actually stay for a long time. We fell into a comfortable groove almost immediately. It doesn’t take much effort in a place this great.
I’m starting to feel strong again for the first time in years, and Jen has started to venture out onto the sharp end of the rope on some gear routes. It feels like all the climbing up until this point, even in Yosemite, has just been building to us landing in the place we think of when we close our eyes and picture perfect granite. I know we’ll have to leave eventually, but whenever it is, it’ll be too soon.