Season Opener

The first Creek trip of the year is always an experience. I’ve gone down there when I was climbing strong and proceeded to get my ass handed to me over and over until I was bruised and bloody and feeling like I had never climbed before. I’ve also gone south when I was feeling relatively weak and done a bit better than I expected. This past weekend my goal was to simply get a chance to look up at a star-filled desert sky and climb a few new pitches. The weather was splitter, and we climbed at two crags I had never been to before, so both goals were in the bag immediately. Despite car-filled parking lots everywhere we looked, we encountered no one at Petrified Hornet or the Selfish Wall.

Being all alone created a very laid-back feeling to the weekend. We could climb whatever we wanted without waiting or forcing others to wait for us, and Jasmine could run up and down the trail and enjoy being free of the confines of the back yard. This complete lack of pressure helped me talk myself into getting on an amazing looking 5.12 called Sting without any expectations other than to check it out and see if it would make a good project for the fall. On my second try, I surprised the shit out of myself by sending it. I’ve done plenty of 12s in the Creek, but never on the first trip of the season. It’s by far the best start I’ve had. Maybe I’m strong, or maybe I just finally got off-fingers cracks figured out. Either way, my excitement for desert climbing could not be higher. I can’t wait to get in the van and drive south again.



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Salt Lake City, UT
Phone: (801) 349-9684