Thirteen years ago, Kevin Nibir and I hiked to the bottom of Liberty Bell and started climbing. Our chosen route, Liberty Crack (V 5.11 A2) was the biggest, hardest, and scariest thing I had ever tried. I had home-made aiders and we both carried way too much gear. We started at sunup and topped out in the dark. It was a great adventure and it stoked the fire for all the big adventures that followed it.
On this trip, the goal was to show Jen around the North Cascades and make sure she had a good time on a tower that meant so much to me. So, we toned things down a whole lot of notches and climbed the Becky Route instead. Compared to the 17-mile approach that Fred had to do before the North Cascades Highway was built, the couple-mile jaunt from the parking lot was super chill. Weather was perfect, our timing between other parties was perfect, and we were all smiles on an old classic.
After we rappelled off, Jen even asked for bonus pitches, so we roped back up and climbed Overexposure as well. Then we hiked out, saw some goats, and hung out with the group of other van-dwelling climbers in the parking lot—including our friends from New Zealand. All in all, I could not have asked for a better day.


Salt Lake City, UT
Phone: (801) 349-9684