To finish up our 15 months on the road, Jen and I decided to go back to what remains our favorite place… Squamish. After all the traveling, going to nearly every climbing or biking destination that we’ve ever wanted to visit, this small town in BC remains the best for both. Plus, it’s just a really nice place to chill.
Unlike the last time, when we were basically training for the rest of the trip and trying to send as many hard trad lines as possible, this month was much more of a winding down. We rode some of our favorite mellow trails and did some mellow routes, adding a few new pitches but mostly just doing whatever sounded fun at the moment.
About half way through the trip my brother came up to join for a few days as well. We went on few hikes and later piled in his small aluminum boat and cruised around the sound like we used to do in Gig Harbor when we were kids. It was a great way to round out the final month of our trip.