
After the wedding, Jen and I wanted to go somewhere to get away for our honeymoon. Not just from home and work and stress, but even from climbing and biking and all the other things that take up our lives. We wanted to go chill on a beach, eat too much, and actually just chill out for once. We knew if we went somewhere that was a biking or a climbing destination, then it would become a climbing or biking trip instead of a relaxing time away from it all. So, we went to Kauai. As it turns out, Jen and I are terrible at sitting still.

Beforehand we picked something to do every other day, leaving the rest of the days to chill. However, after seeing the island from an open-cockpit biplane (which was pretty awesome by the way), we quickly packed the rest of the week with all the things we felt like we had to see before we left. We hiked around in Waimea canyon, snorkeled in three locations, drove the North end of the island, tubed through the Lihue sugar plantation, took surf lessons, and took a boat along the Napali Coast and across the channel to Ni’ihau and Lehua islands. Despite our inability to sit still, we did manage to chill out a bit. Having a front door that opened directly to a sandy beach and the ocean beyond it sure didn’t hurt. Even without the two activities that have been the cornerstone of my life for well over a decade, this trip was one of the best weeks I’ve ever had.


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