Every October since Jen and I got married just outside Zion, we’ve come back down to ride and climb and generally enjoy fall in the desert as a way of celebrating another trip around the sun together. This year, both of us were sick for a week leading up to our anniversary (not Corona, test was negative). But, we figured that a couple days of bring sick in camp was better than being sick at home, so we loaded up the van like we always do and headed to a spot where we knew there would be amazing views and no people.
While trying to do stuff instead of staying warm and hydrated and generally getting healthy, we managed to ride about four total miles and climb exactly one pitch of rock. It was dumb, it hurt, it did not help either of us, and it was completely worth it. You just can’t put a price on moral.
After 11 years living with Jen and five years being married I can’t even contemplate life without her. This weekend was definitely on the sickness side of the wedding vows, but it’s good to know that for each of us, the answer to all of life’s problems is “go to the desert.”