Fall To Winter

Over the last few weeks, Jen and I have made the traditional transition from fall to winter. We spent a couple weekends climbing and biking in the desert. We went down to Creeksgiving, where we climbed splitter cracks by day and cooked turkey by night before getting snowed out and driving back up to Moab where we got in our last bits of singletrack for the year.

By the time we were back in SLC, winter was in full swing. Our snow blower dug tunnels in the driveway while more fell from the sky, and ice climbs around the state started to freeze. We still have a ways to go before we’ll have what is considered in Utah to be a normal winter, but things are looking pretty good so far.

We’re up in Rossland, BC right now taking advantage of the storm cycle rolling through. But the Utah Avalanche Center forecasts revealed 16″ last night in Big Cottonwood Canyon. As long as winter keeps coming, we’ll continue to be happy.



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Salt Lake City, UT
Phone: (801) 349-9684
Email: adamriserphoto@gmail.com