Creeksgiving Week

Two Saturday’s ago Jen and I loaded the truck with climbing and biking gear and headed south for nine days of singletrack and splitter cracks. On our first day of riding, we ran into Toni, Misti, and Kevin and quickly abandoned our plan to ride Slickrock to join them on Mag 7 instead. The next day we continued with our original idea of riding more pedal-intensive trails in order to get some much-needed cardio. By Wednesday, we were pretty shot from all the pedaling and drove further South to meet up with the rest of the crew in Indian Creek.

Unfortunately, we hit a little speed bump a couple hours after arriving. While chopping wood, I had myself a little incident and sliced a few inches of scalp off my head with an axe. Scott was kind enough to drive Jen and I back to Moab for a quick ER visit. Luckily, I was able to put “axe wound to the head” under the section for chief complaint, which got me in to see the doc really quick. Head wounds bleed like a bitch and staples suck, but it was relatively minor and I was back to camp by midnight.

The weather stayed splitter and the climbing was great. I managed to finally send Flight Time and a couple other projects, but the real victory of the weekend was Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone cooked up something rad, but Tom and Ericka kicked the most ass by cooking a big turkey in an Orion Cooker. After that thing came out, we all gorged until we could barely stand. Then we climbed more, and ate more. You get the idea.



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Salt Lake City, UT
Phone: (801) 349-9684