Since 2016 I’ve taught large multigun and pistol classes for the Tactical Performance Center and locally in Salt Lake City. These days I’m primarily doing private classes for pistol, rifle, or shotgun. This allows students to pick the skills they’d like to work on and get focused instruction for quicker progression. These include…
- Grip, stance, and trigger control
- Draws and reloads
- Acceptable sight pictures and shooting modes
- Movement, position entries, and exits
- Shooting on the move
- Off hand and supported rifle shooting techniques
- Long range ballistics and zeroing strategy
- Shotgun loading techniques
- Gun transitions
- Stage breakdown and strategy
- Building a training plan
- 1 person = $100/hour
- 2-3 people = $80/hour per person
- 4-6 people = $60/hour per person
Group Classes:
- If you want a larger class (6-12), just get in touch. The cost per person will go down, and the class organizer (student who books the range, gets the people together, etc) shoots for free.
Fill out the contact form below to schedule a private class or just ask questions. If you don’t hear back in 24 hours, then something went wrong. Email me at adamriserphoto@gmail.com or text 801-349-9684.