Archive for the Life Category

Riverbend Cave

Jen and I took a short trip over to Vancouver Island to hang out with some of her family for a few days and keep things chill while my ankle heals up for a minor

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Mid-Summer River Trip

After a couple months in Canada, Jen and I crossed the border, met up with Jeanie, Jon, Kai, and a bunch of other friends in Spokane, loaded the rafting gear, and drove to the Lower

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Lynn Canyon

Instead of heading straight back to Squamish after running from the smoke, we came through Vancouver to visit with Jen’s family a bit. While we were there, they came up with an afternoon adventure for

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Go East

Well, the plan to go East got shut down in a really big hurry. By the time we reached Revelstoke, air quality was extremely bad from all the forest fires around, and it looked like

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Joffre Lake

After about five weeks, Jen and I decided to leave Squamish. The plan is to head to Revelstoke for some biking, and to visit some friends before going over the pass to Banff, Canmore, and

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Oregon Coast

I love the ocean. Standing on a beach, closing my eyes, and just taking in the sound of waves, the smell of the sea, and the spray of water on my face has never failed

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Oregon Trail Rally

As someone who grew up sliding a beater truck around gravel roads in Eastern Washington, I’ve always been a fan of Rally Racing. So, when we figured out that the Oregon Trail Rally was happening

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Oregon Volcanos

Jen and I did quite a bit of touristy stiff while traveling through Oregon. Most of it somehow revolved around volcanos. We checked out a the Lava River Cave (totally worth it), as well as

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Death Valley

The sign at Badwater Basin reads 282 Feet below sea level. If you turn around and look up on the hill, about 282 feet higher, there is a line at sea level. That, combined with

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We’re Out

Last week, Jen and I both quit our jobs and moved into the van full time with our bikes, climbing gear, and the Murphy dog. We are going to spend the next year on the

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  • J Tree Christmas
    J Tree Christmas
    Not wanting to get fully into the winter season yet, Jen and I...
  • UTLE Not A Cop Multigun
    UTLE Not A Cop Multigun
    I started off the UTLE Not A Cop Multigun match with a catastrophically...
  • Eight Years
    Eight Years
    It’s become tradition that for our anniversary weekend Jen and I load up...



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