The weather forecast for each day in Squamish basically said “Today at 3:00, it’s going to start raining hard, and after that you’re done climbing for the rest of the week.” But, the big rain never actually came.
Sure, it sprinkled a bit, but only once was it actually enough to stop us from climbing. But, this also meant that we never really got on anything too big, and just did a whole bunch of cragging instead. However, this place has some world-class cragging, and I have never found a type of rock I like more than Squamish granite.
Best of all, this place has a whole lot of amazing cragging. In five straight days of climbing, we managed to do pretty much nothing but classics and barely repeat a pitch from our half dozen previous trips. I can’t wait to go back with a little better weather.
Also, Red Nails has hornets in the upper crack, so watch out for that.


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